Kid Hacks McDonald's Drive Thru To Play Porn Sounds

Food Beast - A McDonald’s in New Bern, North Carolina, learned that the hard way after a NSFW video was posted on YouTube of their drive-thru intercom being hacked. According to Fox News, the wireless system frequency of the drive-thru’s intercom had been hacked, allowing the perpetrator to mess with whoever came along to order food.

The two minute video shows the hacker using a variety of phrases to mess around, including a pretty gross statement about how customers would get their food.


This is just a nice little wacky prank from these crazy hooligans. Back in my day, we would ring a doorbell and then run away. It was classic. Like oh shit, that man walked all the way to his door….AND NOBODY WAS THERE! Got people so good with that shit. High fives were thrown, it was always a good time.

But kids nowadays, they don’t even get out of bed for lame ding dong ditches. The idea of a prank phone call is blasphemous, I wouldn’t even be shocked if kids don’t even know how to dial a number. The pranks of yesteryear, from the good ol’ days, don’t move the needle. They need to do these technologically advanced as fuck pranks.

And you know what? This guy started out slow, he was nervous. He wasn’t sure what to do. He did the easy “special sauce” joke. And then he ended it with a bang (get it, a bang? Classic Friday joke)

(Don’t play outloud at work warning)

Just a good ol fashioned porn scene at the drive thru.

And if the police want to get to the bottom of this, all they have to do is find the person who uploaded this video to YouTube. Not worth doing a McDonald’s prank unless the world can see it.

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